Bio-identical Hormone Replacement therapy (BHRT) is 100% identical in chemical structure to our own hormones that occur naturally in us every day.
Woman can benefit from Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) as can men. There is a wide range of symptoms that women experience during the menopause. along with other hormone-related conditions such as premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
Bio-identical hormone treatment can be viewed as an alternative if you have previously tried other hormonal medications and looking for a different effect on your body.
mSkin currently only offer regulated Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy as it is widely regarded as well tested and regulated. We do not offer compounded Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, but can put you in touch with a clinic that does offer this treatment, if you wish.
With compounded Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy the hormones are produced by a compounding pharmacy whereas in regulated Bio-identical hormones they can be ordered conveniently by your local pharmacy.